Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Karl Rove Heckled During Speech

Karl Rove drew scattered boos when he highlighted Bush ’s recent approval of $1.9 billion in funding for more border security, including deployment of National Guard troops, and was disrupted twice by hecklers who unfurled antiwar and anti-Bush banners.

Karl may be starting to realize that some Americans are getting wise to his tricks. Energizing the base ain't as easy as it used to be. He can't just toss up gay marraige and flag burning and expect them to turn out.

Today he must have realized that "Latinos" aren't stupid either and they're on to him. It's one thing to talk about things you believe in and are passionate about, but apparantly no one was interested in or related to his Norwegian roots. His flagrant grasp to find anything in common with his audience was blatantly obvious.

I also heard Dennis Hastert on MSNBC saying he believes the Republicans will actually pick up a few seats on November because the war is going so well. What is this guy smoking? I need some, because although I'm occasionally a little ditzy, I'm never THAT delusional.

You guys "under the Republican tent" need to realize the rest of us are looking for change. We want something to get accomplished with our tax dollars. We want the partisan bickering to stop and have you start voting the way your constituents want you to, not just blindly tow the party line. We're tired of it and if you are an incubent with an expiring term in November (Democrat or Republican), you may want to start packing.

We don't want Democrats and Republicans, we want representation.

read the whole story in the LA Times | digg story

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