While Kinky may look like an old Texas cowpoke, you only need to listen to realize he may indeed be our next Governor. The other formerly Republican now so-called Independent, Carole Strahorn, will manage, I'm sure, to alienate REAL Independents by continuing to pretend she's among us. Sorry Grandma, it takes more than realizing you have absolutely no chance of wrestling the Republican nomination away from Rick Perry, especially with two of your sons employed by W himself (oops, make that one, bye bye Scott) for you to be Independent.
Real Independents choose candidates based on the individual issues thay stand for. We vote for candidates, not parties.
One of Kinky's strongest issues is advocating the use of bio-deisel and he's got a lot of high profile friends to help with fundraising. For years Kinky's Utopia Ranch outside San Antonio has been an animal sanctuary with both Ann Richards and (cringe) Laura Bush on the board of directors. So for those of you who laughed when I said I was voting for Kinky, buckle your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride. Texas politics is getting Kinky!
Kinky's Top Issues:
- The state of our public education system,
- The lack of affordable healthcare for Texas children,
- Our border relations with Mexico, and
- Our reliance on foreign fuels, which would be lessened by the introduction of renewable energy sources such as biodiesel and ethanol.
Other Issues:
- Kinky believes in a woman's right to choose.
- Kinky supports gay marriage and equal rights for homosexuals.
- Kinky is not anti-death-penalty, but he IS "anti-the-wrong-guy-getting-executed."
- Kinky favors optional, non-denominational prayer in school.
Kinky for Governer website
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Kinky Friedman
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