If you look only at the White House spin, you could say the President had a pretty good week:
- Karl Rove didn't get indicted (Scooter Libby still probably will, but not for a while);
- al Zarqawi got bombed and the FBI was on the case, confirming the identity so there could be no speculation, returning a positive DNA match in less than 72 hours;
- the Senate got preliminary passage of a non-binding referendum to "stay the course" in Iraq;
- Bush made a super-secret visit to Iraq to look into Prime Minister al-Maliki's eyes and assure him of continued U.S. support;
- those silly Democrats are still supporting the amnesty option for illegal aliens so a November take over doesn't seem as scary for Republican incumbants as it did last week; and
- the first of the 6000 National Guard troops reported for duty on the border.

Now before you start in on the pessimistic attitude, let me point out that I didn't receive my talking points from the Pentagon, so I'm just going off the cuff. I heard there's a possibility that not only the President (which we already knew), but possibly the Congress, is out of touch with the American people.
I'm also starting to revise my speculation on who Jeff Gannon was dropping in on, based on Bush's penchant for holding hands with sheiks and gazing into the eyes of men to justify his position.
It would also explain why Laura always looks so uncomfortable.

Karl Rove is clearly back in charge, though, because even though the most recent polls show only a 1 point gain in Bush's job approval rating, I feel like I'm watching FoxNews on every channel. There's so much to get excited about! I even heard Pat Buchanan say this may be the last chance to get a gay marriage amendment passed because the younger generation has a more tolerant attitude. I think he thinks that's a bad thing, though.
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