In an ironic turn of events, several members of the Arellano Felix Organization, aka AFO and the Tijuana Cartel, were arrested yesterday.
I found this article from February 21, 2005 which shows a relationship between Los Zetas and the AFO. Los Zetas were hired as enforcers for the rival Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen to gain control of the terroritory and distribution channels of the AFO.
According to the Stratfor report, it "is likely that more drug-related violence will spill across the border into California as Los Zetas carry out their orders to destroy the Arellano Felix family's grip on the Tijuana cartel. Many senior members of the Arellano Felix organization reportedly have hideouts in San Diego and other California cities. Since Los Zetas already have been implicated in three recent murders in Texas, it is unlikely they would have qualms about hunting Arellano Felix associates in California.
This means both Mexican and U.S. law enforcement and other public officials such as prosecutors and judges could be at increased risk of being assassinated over the next several years while both governments seek to neutralize Cardenas and the Gulf cartel".
So it seems the administration of George Bush is in favor of allowing other soveriegn nations such as Israel to protect and defend their borders, but when our own borders are routinely violated, the violators should be granted amnesty and offered American citizenship.
Bush has flip-flopped on the immigration issue, once "talkin' tough" advocating catch and return and strong workplace enforcement. His position now is "not amnesty", but a legal path to citizenship for those who arrived here illegally and commit identity fraud which, of course, would be a felony offense if they were legal citizens. Since they're not, it doesn't matter. They're doing what they "have" to do and are entitled to the American dream. With only 127 workplace enforcement criminal convictions in 2005 nationwide, up from an appalling 46 the previous year, he has once again caved when pressured by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups. There are no doubt millions of law-abiding illegal aliens living and working in this country. Except for that pesky little illegal entry infraction and presenting false documents, those don't matter, remember?
The arrests today prove that some of those illegal immigrants are also criminals, among whom are not only violent repeat offenders, but on the FBI's most wanted list. Those are exactly the kinds of facts that cannot in any way be disputed by special interest groups advocating amnesty for illegal aliens.
In my hypothetical example, the U.S. military would retaliate against Los Zetas and the other armed non-state Mexican militias. In reality, they are being pursued by the DEA, FBI, CIA, federal and state prosecutors, and local law enforcement. So why is it appropriate for Israel to send in their military? There have been many more crimes, including kidnapping and murder, committed by Mexican narco-terrorists against both Mexican and American citizens than Hizbollah committed against Israel.
Obviously it is not appropriate here in the United States or Mexico, and it wasn't appropriate in Lebanon. As I said yesterday, it is a social phenomenon that could only have occured with Israel as the aggressor, I mean defender.
Technorati Tags: politics illegal aliens Bush Israel Mexico Arellano Felix Organization Los Zetas
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
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