The photo to the right is the same arrangement taken with my Canon inside the shop before the mat fell on it. As you can see, the damage is basically non-existent. I was about 3/4 finished with this arrangement (which only took about 15 minutes to make) when the owner came up behind me and said she didn't think the customer would like the Curly Willow. The order was for a 20 Dendrobian Orchids and 3 Gardenias in a contemporary style. She was basing her opinion on whether the customer would like it on what she likes.
As I've mentioned before, this is an old fashioned shop. The number of containers that can be even loosely classified as "contemporary" would fit on one hand with fingers to spare. The one I chose was a clear, 12" tall, rectangular vase in which I twisted a quarter of a branch of Curly Willow in a knot inside to create a structure for the placement of the flowers. The Willow above the rim is part of the design, while what's inside is the reason there was no damage when the mat fell on it.
The Orchids follow the line of and are attached to the Willow with the Gardenias forming a focal point in the front and on each side of the vase. I added 4 stems of Springerii that also followed the line of the Willow.
I wish I could say this was the first time she had made a comment about what the customer would like versus what I was making. By the time she said it there was no way to take it out without possibly destroying and probably damaging some of the flowers. Professional floral designs are made to hold up during delivery so when the customer receives them, they look the same as they did when they left the store. If I could have pulled the Curly Willow out at the time of her comment it would have meant I had not done my job as a professional designer and she knew it. The comment was designed not to help me make the order to the customer's satisfaction, but to undermine my confidence in my ability.
I'm very happy to say it didn't work. I know I'm good at what I do and I also know she's not comfortable with contemporary floral design and advanced design techniques in general. Another of the delivery drivers told me when I first started working there and was upset by something she said that he thinks she's just trying to stay relevant. I think that's probably true, but it's a shame she never learned that constructive criticism and occasional compliments make your opinion far more relevant than spiteful, destructive comments. Sphere: Related Content
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