The photo on the left is the front, the other is the back. The sad thing is the person who ordered this paid $65 and it looks like they've just been plopped into a vase with a total disregard for aesthetics.
After she caught me taking the picture I started feeling a little guil

Then I thought of all the times she has come in to make some snide comment about something I was making and I stopped feeling guilty. It's her fault she never figured out that learning from your peers, in this case employees, is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of maturity. I learned things from every designer I've ever worked with, both when they were my employees and traveling designers at the top of the field.
This is a creative profession and everyone approaches it with their own techniques and sense of style. You can tell by looking at this that someone with 30 years of design experience who makes things that look like this never learned anything along the way. Just as they run the store the same way they did it the first time 30 years ago, never changing, improving efficiency, upgrading equipment, product, or floral variety, she has never learned to design properly. She doesn't think she needs to and if she treated me with common courtesy, I would feel sorry for her. Since she doesn't, I'll keep posting some of her "designs" here to remind myself the next time she tries to make me feel my work is sub-standard. Sphere: Related Content
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