Saturday, February 28, 2009

My first hydroponic gardening attempt

I've been having a big problem with excessive algae in my fish pond for the last few years (global warming?). I've read numerous article, talked to people at garden shops, added plants (most died, the fish ate the others, 3 remain), added algae eaters (they froze and didn't eat enough of it), added salt, changed the water every 3 days for a month, and probably some other things I can't think of anymore. Everything except chemicals. Nothing I've done has made a bit of difference, so this time I want to try to reduce the oxygen in the water with plants and herbs I can actually eat.

Theoretically this should work. The fish are producing enough nitrogen that I shouldn't have to add any supplements, and the additional plants should draw the oxygen from the water thereby reducing the amount available for the algae to propagate.

I started with a variety of Basil, mixed Japanese greens, Catnip, and Lettuce. I have no idea how any of these will adapt to growing in water, but I think I should be able to find a good variety for a long term garden. I was planning to mark the progress by taking a picture each day, but sadly, not much happened overnight.

Today, however, on day 2 a couple of the Rapid Rooters already have sprouts in the Japanese mixed greens row.

How exciting! Sphere: Related Content

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