Lots of new people showed up at the protest today. We had 10-12 students from the UT SETA chapter. Also, four representatives from the PETA2 campus tour were in town, heard about our protest and came out on their day off! They'll be in Ft Worth next week, so if you're doing a protest, let them know on peta2.com. Maybe they'll join you, too. Go Veg!
There was a little excitement when 3 of the students decided to go onto the median between the access road and IH-35. A police SUV pulled up with lights flashing to tell them it was too dangerous to be there. One crossed easily, but two of them were very tentative and missed what I thought were at least 10 opportunities to cross back. The policeman finally had mercy on them and ran interference while they came back. Sphere: Related Content
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