1 cup garden farfalle or your favorite pasta
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
1 clove garlic
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs balsamic vinegar
Basil (as much as you like - I like a lot)
ground peppercorn (again as much as you like)
ground chili pepper (as much as you like)
Cook pasta as per directions on package. While it's cooking mash the garlic with a fork or garlic press, then add pepper, chili pepper, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Cut sun dried tomatoes into strips (or however you like them) and add to the marinade. Toss in pasta and stir until each is coated. The whole meal takes only as long to make as the pasta takes to boil. Quick, easy and really tasty.
After posting, I realized I should add a caveat: all of my measurements are approximate.
Being vegan I cook about 95% of the food I eat, but only measure about 10% of the time. This usually works for me and the only time I do try to be exact are with recipes for bread. I bake a lot, and bread is tricky. I have made several loaves that could easily be used as bricks, so I've learned that whatever molecular magic takes place in the oven should be treated as the chemistry it is. With everything else, I just use the amount I think will work. If you decide to make any of my recipes just keep in mind that it's your meal, you should make it taste the way you like it. If I like Basil and you like Oregano, use Oregano. Sphere: Related Content
Looks yummy! More pictures of your dinners and not the cats' please. Now if I could just get that image of the bloody bowl of ground chicken parts out of my head:)
That made me laugh so hard my eyes started watering!
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