Monday, June 05, 2006

How Stupid are You?

I was originally planning on a title of How Stupid is the Right Wing? After seeing the main topic on every cable news network today, I had to change it to include everyone. The proposed "defense of marriage" amendment to the Constitution (you know, the gay marriage one, Karl Rove's favorite way to energize the base - by the way after they waste this week without an amendment they're moving to that other matter of national importance: flag burning) is not only a complete waste of time, it is designed to hide the fact that W and this administration are not only incompetent, but completely out of touch with the American people. A small minority of right wing Christian conservative bigots are interested in denying equal rights to a group of people, many of whom are members of their own families, and it is disgraceful.

Rather than expand on my own views of why subjugating committed couples to fight for equal rights as already outlined in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constution Amendment IX "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." I refuse to dignify this bigotry and prejudice with any more attention than it has already received. The right to marry and divorce if they so choose is inherent as it is available to others.

U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights

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